BOT VFX Steps into Virtual Production with Unreal Engine

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Embracing the (un)Real Impacts of Virtual Production:  BOT is now immersing itself in the new arena of virtual production by engaging in training from Epic on its Unreal Engine.  

As virtual productions gain a foothold in the way content is shot, there is emerging a wide-ranging impact in pre-production, production and post-production.  VFX professionals need to embrace these changes in the process and the underlying technology, and BOT has begun to do just that with the help of Epic Games. 

With its roots in the gaming world, Unreal Engine is now inserting itself into the evolving film production arena.  The real-time photoreal capabilities of the engine make it ideal for live integration of the virtual world into the physical set, and capturing it all in-camera.  

Over 15 of BOT’s leads, supervisors, and artists are eagerly engaged in an 80-session training program that spans several months.  The team has already completed several of the sessions and have begun to understand the enormous potential of the tool.  The sessions are hands-on and involve live exercises.  “It’s one thing to know about the power of the engine, but another to be able to get instant gratification of seeing great results of some experiment live in real time,” observes Srikanth S., BOT 2D Supervisor who is participating in the training. “It’s a paradigm shift for most VFX artists.”

BOT Team Member Selected for Unreal Fellowship:  Epic Games has recently opened the Unreal Fellowship for individuals, a very selective training course where the students spend ten hours a day for a month mastering the intricacies of Epic Unreal Engine. BOT is proud to announce that Bala Morarji, a 3D Supervisor at BOT VFX, has been selected for the Unreal Fellowship beginning in April. After completion of the course, graduates get continual updates and support, in addition to working with top minds from the industry around the globe. We wish tremendous success to Bala Morarji as he pursues his latest challenge.

Stay Tuned!  As the training wraps, we’ll update you on the exciting stuff we’ve learned and explored.