BOT News

BOT VFX Celebrates Its 10th Year With A Gala Event Called “Xpressions”
BOT VFX celebrated its 10th anniversary milestone with a glittering gala event on July 7,...
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Mind the Gap – BOTs travel to London
BOT's continual efforts to nurture existing client relations and build new ones face to face...
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BOTs in Germany
When you think of traveling to Europe, you have grand thoughts of enjoying quiet afternoons...
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Cyclone ‘Vardah’
Cyclone ‘Vardah’ in southern India affects BOT Production
Chennai, the city where BOT has its production operation, has been hit by a cyclone...
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Winning hearts
Winning Hearts and Awards, the CHAPPiE Way
Image Engine along with BOT VFX win this years Best VFX in a Motion Picture...
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Chapman’s Excellent
Chapman’s Excellent Adventures in Chennai
When a visual effects facility is routinely pushing through work supporting thousands of shots a...
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Chennai Floods
Chennai Floods: Rains may have won the battle, but Humanity wins the War!
Nature's fury, despondency, helplessness, gloom, destruction ... if these were the words the #ChennaiFloods started...
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The BOT Workshop
The BOT Workshop @ Visual Arts Fest by MOP Vaishnav College
“As Knowledge Increases, Wonder Deepens”, perhaps precisely what the BOT Trio of Sreyans, Sankara and...
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Women in VFX
Women in VFX! Coffees, Conversations & More!
On Aug 6th, the LA Chapter of the Visual Effects Society held their first-ever Women...
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